Saturday, August 10, 2013

Planet Motherfucker's Most Wanted: COUNT TACKULA

From atop his glittering Stratosfear Tower, the flamboyantly genteel Count Tackula rules the decadent wastes of Lash Vegas with a velveteen fist.  He subjects guests and victims alike to the most excessive and agonizing of delights.  When it comes to The Count, one never knows if "tickling the ivories" involves bejeweled pianos...or razored fangs.

Count Tackula
Attributes, Skills, Hindrances, Edges:  as Ancient Vampire [p. 141 of Savage Worlds Deluxe], plus  Blind (affects everyone in Large Burst Template), ConfusionResurrectionSeduction, Sire, Stun, and Weather Control [p. 113-114 of Savage Worlds Horror Companion]
Gear:  Candelabra (Str + d2d8)All The Wealth


  1. Nice! I would add some sort of ability to blind with his sequins.

  2. Oh, I'll totally get that added. Thanks for the suggestions!

  3. Blinding and Confusion effects added!
