Ghastlynauts are 8'-tall, armored, skull-faced horrors from beyond the stars. Their bone-chilling cackles are the soundtracks of nightmares, and their helms flash hellish red in syncopation with their wails.
The beings feed on fear. Though plodding and ponderous, ghastlynauts stalk inexorably and unerringly towards their quarry, and emit both a pulsing glow and low-frequency hum while doing so. That said, hiding does no good, for they always find you...and you'll always know they're coming!!!
Ghastlynauts can take control of electricity-based machinery, vehicles, and artifacts and operate them from afar, no matter the condition of the contraption. Control extends to only one device at a time, and said gadget must remain within a half-mile radius to function. Ghastlynauts also surround themselves in combat with 3d6 illusory duplicates that mask their true location on the battlefield. All opponents with visual senses (including robots) are susceptible to the effect.
Ghastlynauts travel in dilapidated "haunted saucers" that are essentially rocket-powered spookhouses.
Ghastlynaut ("Space Kook")
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d12+2, Notice d10, Piloting d8, Stealth d6, Tracking d10
Derived: Pace 5, Parry 7, Toughness 16 (6)
Special Abilities
- Armor +6: Metallic spacesuit.
- Fear -6: Ghastlynauts are spookiness incarnate, and trigger Fear checks at -6.
- Fear Itself: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
- Fists: STR +1d6.
- Holographic Duplicates: With an action, can create 6 Extras, as per the Duplication power [Super Powers Companion, p. 26].
- Night-Sight: Ignores penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
- Not Subtle At All: Characters get +4 to their Notice rolls to perceive a ghastlynaut.
- Overriding: With a Spirit roll, can take control of one electrically-powered gadget, machine, or vehicle within a Large Burst Template, no matter the device's condition. Control lasts until ghastlynaut releases it, or moves to another item.
- Size +2: Ghastlynauts are 8' of built like tanks.
- That Laugh—Oh, That Laugh!: With an action, all targets within a Medium Burst Template centered on the ghastlynaut must make a Spirit roll at -4 or be Shaken.
- You Can Run...: Ghastlynauts get a +6 to Notice and Tracking rolls when pursuing victims.
[Inspired by Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! episode #15, "Spooky Space Kook" (1969)]