Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Most folks would be pretty godsdamned surly if their home planet exploded...but The Big Kaboom was the greatest day of your life!

No more slaving in the radiation-mines.  No more kowtowing to those bubble-headed bastards who bio-engineered you.  No more ducking and covering as your warmongering masters ravaged the world.  You were free!

Yeah, hurtling through the cosmos on a chunk of rubble was the ultimate trip...and crashing into Planet Motherfucker was like kicking in the gates of Eden.  You've found the promised land of liquor, lewdity, and lawlessness, and you're ready to rock out with your claws out!

Maniac Metalunan  (New Playable Race)
Free Ability:  Similar To One Of Our Earth Insects... (+4 to resist all negative environmental effects)
+2 Abilities:  ...But Larger, Of Course (starts with Strength d6)
+1 Abilities:  Pincers (inflict Str+d6 damage),
-1 Abilities:  Extraterrestrial (as Outsider), Liberated (as Stubborn), Ungainly (Pace 5)


  1. Great collection. The one cool space dude I haven't thought of doing an image post about.

  2. Glad you approve!

    For a monster that appeared for, like, all of 3 minutes total ever, he sure made an impression.
