Busting punks was your specialty in life, but now that you're mostly dead, you've forgone that thankless "protecting and serving" and sadistically embraced "oppressing and severing". You have the right to remain violent, dispensing justice as you see fit; after all, everyone on Planet Motherfucker is a scumbag in need of a good skullcracking.
Maniac Cop
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d4, Shooting d6, Streetwise d6, Throwing d6
Derived: Charisma -4, Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 8, 12 vs Bullets (2, 6)
Hindrances: Mean, Ugly, Vengeful (Major)
Edges: Hard To Kill, Nerves Of Steel